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Oh My, How The Local Rumor Mill Has Been Working!


We wanted to address a rumor that has been going around about Dr. Allen taking a month long sabbatical; this is not true. There is another local doctor in our area that is closing their doors temporarily for a sabbatical, but it is not us.

With this, PNVH understands the dilemma that this sabbatical, as well as another clinic closure, has put on the community. We are honored and appreciate you, our clients, referring your friends, family and neighbors to us for their pet's veterinary care. However, we are a single doctor practice with a FULL case load, so we are unable to take any new clients at this time. PNVH has done some brainstorming on how to alleviate some of the burdens that these closures have brought to our community.

In an attempt to open up appointment spots during the week for more emergent cases, we are going to be reserving one Saturday a month for vaccination appointments to active clients only. These appointment slots are reserved for patients that have no other issues and have been seen by Dr. Allen within the last six months. Please call the hospital for dates, as this can be subject to change.

Lastly, PNVH will be running a trial basis program that reserves Fridays for Urgent Care cases. This will allow us to see patients from other hospitals on an urgent care basis ONLY and they will be referred back to their regular doctor for continued care. This is NOT a walk in service and must call ahead. With this, we reserve the right to refer patients to Animal Emergency and Specialty Center or Uptown Animal Hospital based on the patients issues.

We want to emphasize that we hope to help patients with urgent care cases, not critical care, and any cases deemed critical care will be referred to AESC or Uptown.

As always, we appreciate everyone's understanding, although we would love to be able to see an unlimited number of patients, we are a small and tight-knit team. Please continue to have patience with us and we hope these changes will help our fellow community members at this time.



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